One big change here is that I've re-mapped the MIC switch to control radar elevation and range knob use. Comms control has been transferred to the COOLIE HAT which is where the comms switch is on the actual F-16 throttle. The CHINA HAT now controls zoom/FoV levels.
Please feel free to adjust the profile to your preferences and if you have a good idea of mapping a particular callback or function anywhere on the profile, please share your idea and I'll be glad to add it into the default profile. I'm currently thinking of mapping the screenshot button somewhere so that it'll be easy to take pictures without taking my hands off the controls.
Credit goes to Scotters for bringing Rybo's profile to my attention and also credit to Rybo for the inspiration for the change.
Link on first post updated.
- Ice's BMS WH Profile ver7.1.tmc -- open and run with TARGET Script Editor. This is also from Morphine's profile with a few edits (updated 17-04-2017)
- Ice's BMS WH Profile ver7.1.pdf -- PDF version showing current control mapping
- Ice's BMS WH Profile ver7.1.fcf -- open with TARGET GUI to edit control mapping printout
- BMS - FPM by -Ice.key -- put in your /BMS/User/Config directory. This v1.7 of my .key file.