Friday 16 October 2015

Disabling the in-cockpit mouse cursor

One thing to be careful of is the location of the in-game mouse cursor.  If it is over a switch or button when a callback is issued from Helios, it will also register as a mouse-click and will result in unwanted commands and general confusion.  To keep things under control, it is necessary to disable the in-cockpit mouse cursor.

To do this, go to the /User/Config folder and open up falcon bms.cfg, preferrably using a program such as Notepad++ and set the following:
set g_bMouseButton4TogglesClickablePit 1
set g_bEnableExclusiveMouseCapture 0

Once in the 3D cockpit, move the mouse to the upper left or upper right corner of the screen and click the 4th mouse button.  That will lock the mouse cursor on that area and will minimize accidentally clicking anything in the 3D pit.  This is not 100% safe -- if the screen is zoomed in and there is a button or switch where the mouse cursor is locked, activating anything from Helios may also register as a mouse-click but it is still safer than leaving the mouse cursor to move around.  Also, with widescreen or multi-monitor setups, it is less likely that there will be a switch/button at the extreme corner of the screen.

The big advantage with Helios on a touchscreen is that it minimizes the time needed to be heads-down in the cockpit.  Even when activating switches or buttons on the far corners of the side consoles, there is less need to pan the in-game view as much as needed when using a single-screen setup so again, that minimizes accidental button-clicks from the in-game mouse cursor.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    There for Helios profile for Mirage 2000-5?
    Thanks in advance.
